Deaths (VDH)

This tab contains case counts of death indicators for the level of demographic and geographic specification noted. The mortality injury indicator data presented in this tab are drawn from the Virginia resident death certificate dataset provided by the VDH Division of Health Statistics. These data represent all Virginia resident deaths, regardless of where the death occurred. Virginia residents who died out of state would therefore be included, and geographic assignment of cases within these data is based on residence at time of death, as recorded on the death certificate. Death certificates are known to underestimate the burden of certain causes of death, such as suicide and drug overdose. Processes used for analyzing death certificate data related to injuries and violence are consistent with guidance provided by Safe States and CDC, through Injury Surveillance Workgroup publications.

Sample sizes of less than 5 are suppressed to protect confidentiality: Geographies in the map colored white indicate where case counts are less than 5.

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