
This dashboard contains data on Overdose and Suicide deaths.

Data Sources

At the top of the dashboard, there are options to view data by data source. Clicking on the link will populate the dashboard. Data sources have multiple indicators within a specific content area.

Filtering Data

Hovering over a locality, CSB, or region on the map, or over a data point on a graph will highlight exact data values. Select a locality, CSB, or region on the map or table to filter the data to that location.

Don't want to see everything? Use filters to select data from certain years and demographic subgroups. Please note that additional filters are available and vary by tab.

Downloading Data

The download button at the bottom right of each dashboard allows you to download a PDF or image of the current dashboard view. At the top of each tab, you will also see an information icon. Hover over the icon to read more about the data sources and links to access the raw data, if available.

Data Considerations

Data suppression criteria follows the criteria provided by the data source. Suppression criteria may vary across data sources and is used to maintain confidentiality.

Many data tabs include the option to view data as a count and as a rate. Count data is useful in looking at the total quantity of an event but may be influenced by the size of the underlying population. A rate means that the data was standardized to a common denominator and can be compared across geographic or demographic groups.